

Artist / Music Composer / DJ / Assistant Professor at Department of Architecture of Shih Chien University.

Creation is part of YAO Chung-Han's life, from the seemingly broken fluorescent lamps to the vibrant light; From the deconstructed sound art composing to the dance music production; From the framed works to the reflect on the spacial scale... He employs the corresponding and contrasting relations of light and sound trigger viewers’ imagination of physical senses.

YAO has won the First Prize in Sound Art in Digital Art Festival Taipei, Honourable Mention in Taipei Art Awards, and has participated in Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale(Fukuoka), NTT ICC-Emergencies!014(Tokyo), STEIM - Massive Light Boner(Amsterdam), City Sonic: International Sound Art(s) Festival (Belgium), Long Beach Museum of Art - Beyond the Fram: New Median Arts from Taiwan (LA), and The Way Things Go at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.