LAURENT GRASSO - TIME LEAVES                                                                                                                   



TAO ART 今年五月推出法國觀念藝術家洛朗•格拉索(Laurent Grasso, b. 1972)於台灣的首度個展「TIME LEAVES」。格拉索是當代最活躍而突出的藝術家之一,於巴黎生活與創作,這次展覽精選出其知名系列作品,包括《奧托》(OttO)、《研究過去》(Studies into the Past)、《未來植物集》(Future Herbarium)及《潘諾普忒斯》(Panoptes),匯聚了繪畫、雕塑、影像、霓虹燈裝置等多種媒介。他的創作實踐涉及對藝術史、時間、自然科學、視覺機制等議題的探索,運用新科技來演繹神聖(sacred)和無形(invisible)的概念。透過泛靈信仰及超自然現象等取徑,他嘗試讓無形事物具現眼前,創造迷宮般的神秘氛圍挑戰觀者所知與所感之邊界。

TAO ART is delighted to present Time Leaves, Laurent Grasso’s first solo show in Taiwan. One of the most active and prominent artists of our time, Grasso’s exhibition, presented across a variety of media including film, painting, sculpture, and neon installation, brings together works from several of his well-known series, including OttO, Studies into the Past, Future Herbarium, and Panoptes,. His creative practice explores themes from the history of art, time, the natural sciences, and visual perception, incorporating new technologies to re-present the sacred and the invisible. Drawing inspiration from themes ranging from animism to supernatural phenomena, Grasso seeks to make the intangible visible, creating sometimes mysterious ambiences that challenge the boundaries of one’s knowledge and perception.

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Untitled 2017
77,8 x 150 x 6 cm
Edition Unique © Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly Photo: Marcus Peel

HD film, 21 min 26 sec
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and aluminum leaf on wood 24 x 22 x 5,5 cm / LG-P.19.1862
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and aluminum leaf on wood 24 x 22 x 5 cm / LG-P.19.1864
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2021 White bronze 135 x 25 x 15 cm / LG-S.20.1983
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and aluminum leaf on wood 22,5 x 24,5 x 4,5 cm / LG-P.21.2061
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.22.4008
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2023 Oil and palladium leaf on wood 126 x 126 x 6 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4015
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil on canvas 93 x 80 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4016
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil on canvas 93 x 80 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4017
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2023 Oil and palladium leaf on wood 126 x 126 x 6 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4018
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 150 x 290 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4019
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 22,5 x 24,5 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4020
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 22,5 x 24,5 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4021
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 22,5 x 24,5 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4022
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4024
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4025
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 19 x 30 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4027
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil and palladium leaf on wood 18 x 30 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4028
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

OttO 2023 Oil on palladium leaf on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4030
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

OttO 2023 Oil on palladium leaf on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4031
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2023 Distemper on wood 34 x 24 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4032
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2023 Distemper on wood 34 x 24 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4033
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Future Herbarium 2023 Distemper on wood 34 x 24 x 4,5 cm / Unique edition / LG-P.23.4034
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Studies into the Past Oil on wood 20 x 26 x 4,5 cm/ LG-P.23.4041
© Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly

Laurent Grasso “Time Leaves” Booklet
