
MAK2 麥影彤二

TAO ART欣然呈現香港藝術家麥影彤二(Mak2)在台北首次個展「華麗愛火四射」(Palace of Love) ,延續其標誌性的「美好家園」系列,以新穎而幽默的觀點探討幻想與現實之間的落差。藝術家在數位環境中打造出兼具浮誇與笨拙趣味的皇家風情,將虛擬人生遊戲嫁接戀愛實境秀,暗喻人在社交關係裡也成了消費者,不自覺地付出「情感勞動」,投射幻想以填補心中的空洞匱乏。她的創作實踐在黑色幽默中隱含藝術家對於人類處境的直觀理解,也對全球當代藝術生產之系統性問題提出反思,並以極具創造力的方式提出個人的解答。 

「美好家園」始於2019年,以《模擬市民》(The Sims)這款自2000年開始風行的知名人生模擬遊戲為發想基礎與構圖工具,每幅畫作皆為三聯屏,分別由三位不同的中國網路購物平台「淘寶」上的無名畫家製作之後再加以拼接。繪畫在這系列中象徵著一種商業化、山寨文化式的生產,而藝術家本身的感受性、思考過程與創作脈絡,與目的性生產之間的衝突或不一致,也被強烈地凸顯出來 。透過尷尬的分割畫面所呈現的「美好家園」,宛如當代的荒誕派劇場,有種超齡且出乎意料的透徹及深刻。

Home Sweet Home began in 2019, employing the popular life simulation game “The Sims” as both its conceptual foundation and a compositional tool. Each painting is a triptych, each part produced by an anonymous artist and purchased via the Chinese online shopping platform Taobao before being pieced together. In each painting, the inconsistency between the original image that the artist has in mind and the final result is evident when the time-consuming labour is divided up and entrusted to others. Mak2’s artistic practice reveals the systemic problems of contemporary art production, at the same time puts forward a unique solution with creativity.

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Installation Views: Photography by ANPIS FOTO 王世邦 Courtesy of TAO ART

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 1, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 1 acrylic on canvas 150 x 250 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 2, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 2 acrylic on canvas 125 x 190 cm ; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 3, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 3 acrylic on canvas 150x 188 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 4, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 4 acrylic on canvas 200 x 300 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 5, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 5 acrylic on canvas 150 x 250 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 6, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 6 acrylic on canvas 150 x 190 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Palace of Love 7, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射 7 acrylic on canvas 137 x 255 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Emotional Labour in Palace of Love 1, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射之情感勞動 1 acrylic on canvas 112 x 84 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Emotional Labour in Palace of Love 2, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射之情感勞動 2 acrylic on canvas 112 x 84 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe

Home Sweet Home: Emotional Labour in Palace of Love 3, 2022 美好家園:華麗愛火四射之情感勞動 3 acrylic on canvas 112 x 84 cm; triptych Courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe